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The 12-Week Breakthrough HypnoCoaching Experience

What you’ll receive:

  • Three collaborative & personalized 2-hour transformational hypnotherapy sessions (in-person or remote)

  • Three solution-focused coaching support calls via zoom

  • Three custom audio recordings for reframing unhelpful beliefs into upgraded thought patterns

  • 3 months of email/text coaching support, with weekly check-ins, and self-guided exercises customized for your unique goals

This is my preferred way to work with you!

Basically, I get to be your biggest cheerleader as your personal confidant and empowerment coach…alongside of you every step of the way!


*Or 5 payments of $225.00

“If you’ve tried different kinds of therapy and still feel like there is “something” missing, I highly recommend these sessions with Amy. I was skeptical at first, but if you are committed to your mental health and making changes in your life, do this ASAP! I felt immediate changes and can tackle negative emotions easier now.” - Client Katie A.

“Spending time with Amy in a session is like a gift that keeps on giving…. I appreciated that she checked in on me with extra activities to ensure I was focused on solving for the root issues. Her checking in really helped me to know there was a light at the end of the tunnel.” - Client A. S.

The 21-Day HypnoCoaching Discovery

What you’ll receive:

  • A personalized 2-hour transformational hypnotherapy session

  • One coaching support call via zoom

  • One custom audio recording for reframing unhelpful beliefs into upgraded thought patterns.

  • 21 days of email/text coaching support, with weekly check-ins, and self-guided exercises customized for your unique goals


(Most presenting issues are worked through in 2-4 sessions.)

“Amy listened to understand and was very supportive. I immediately saw changes and left feeling a new sense of peace. The transformational recording provided me the basis for a new internal monologue. My husband has noticed the change as well, and we are both excited as I move forward with a new sense of happiness.” -Client I. A.

“Using the suggestions that Amy made during my session, I am now able to replace negative self-thoughts with better ones. I continue to listen to my transformational recording on a daily basis, as I feel it has benefited me greatly. Amy is a professional and made me feel very safe and fully relaxed. She is an incredible therapist.” - Client Lisa T.

Each HypnoCoaching session lasts approximately 2 ½ - 3 hours, and is available in-person in my private Tucson, AZ office, or via ZOOM.

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Hypnosis is not magic - it’s science! This guided process uses verbal cues and repetition to decrease fast-wave brain activity, which correlates to thinking and processing, while increasing slow-wave activity, which is exhibited during both relaxation and intense focus. Hypnosis is not a trance, nor is it about being asleep. Rather, it’s a state of intense concentration and focused attention.

    When we bypass the conscious, critical part of our mind, we allow for true insight to take place, affecting change in the more open and receptive unconscious mind. You remain fully aware through the entire process, and you are able to recall and review all parts of your hypnotherapy session after coming back to your conscious mind.

  • Hypnotherapy is designed to give you a powerful breakthrough and create lasting changes in your life. With that said, it is not a quick fix. Most clients will need more than one session on a particular issue, which is why I prefer that each client commit to a minimum of three sessions to start. Depending on how deep it is, it may take up to four (or more) sessions.

    Because reframing and rewiring old beliefs and habits requires commitment, consistency and repetition, I highly recommend the intensive process that the 12-week Breakthrough Package supports.

    Those clients completing the Breakthrough Package can purchase ongoing single sessions for a discounted rate.

  • Each HypnoCoaching session lasts between 2.5-3 hours. For that reason, we ask you to block a full 3 hours in your calendar to make sure you’re not rushed.

    *Sessions with adolescents will last about 1.5 hours.

  • Absolutely not. Maybe you’ve seen this in a movie, but you actually have complete control the whole time. You can talk, move your body, even get a tissue. Should you feel the need to discontinue a session for any reason, you may (and are completely able to) at any time.

  • Don’t worry about how deep you go. In fact, the depth of hypnotic state is not linked to results at all. So don’t get stuck on “Am I going deep enough?” From personal experience, I would encourage you to keep telling yourself the truth - “This is working” and it will absolutely work for you, too.

  • What makes RTT amazing is that even if you think you know the reason, hypnosis allows you to see it in a COMPLETELY new way. This is what allows you to change the meaning and ultimately, change your beliefs. Many clients go back to scenes that are completely different from what they expected. Just relax, breathe, and trust that your subconscious mind will show you exactly what you need to see.

  • I provide a safe environment for you to recall and review past experiences, with zero judgment and an empathetic heart. I will support you and hold a space for you to express your emotions and heal. Resist the urge to avoid being uncomfortable. You cannot heal what you refuse to feel.

    If you go back to scenes from your life that are related to things like sexual or physical abuse, or other trauma, it’s important to remember that you are not reliving that scene, you are simply reviewing it.

  • There are 3 types of change from Rapid Transformational Therapy, and every person is different:

    i. Immediate: You feel a massive shift right away - immediate changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviors right in the session.

    ii. Incremental: You see consistent shifts every day, or over time.

    iii. Retroactive: You don’t see the shifts right away and then one day you suddenly look back and see all of the things that are different in your life. Remain an active player in your transformation, and trust the process.

  • Yes! I’ll happily work with anyone ages 10 and up, and their initial sessions will focus strictly on strength building using a custom guided meditation focus (rather than hypnotherapy), including an audio recording made specifically for them.

    I create an environment where children feel free to safely and comfortably work through not only what's troubling them, but more importantly, to become more conscious of their strengths, more confident, less reactive, and more in control of their situation. Feeling empowered from within, children will find they are better able to take responsibility for themselves, their thoughts and their actions, building the resiliency to properly face and cope with life’s complex ups and downs.

    *Contact me for pricing and more info on HypnoCoaching for children.