Inner Peace Looks Good On You.

I noticed immediate changes in my mindset, and so did my husband and best friend. I feel like I can now better support the people in my life, having regained my own sense of self-confidence. From the initial call, through the hypnotherapy sessions, and the follow-up coaching, everything was amazing. Amy is SO nurturing and I felt supported and cared for.
— Client A.B

Welcome. I’m grateful you’re here.

Are you ready to reimagine your story and finally create your best future self? Are you ready to finally ditch those limiting beliefs and truly experience more inner peace?

I’m on a mission…a mission to make hypnotherapy the most profound tool in the everyday, average person’s personal growth toolbox.

No, it’s not magic, woo woo, or weird. It’s deep mindfulness and meditation meets personal development.

You’re here because you’re feeling like you’ve tried everything, yet you wind up right back where you started, feeling discouraged, hopeless, and inadequate. You’re here because you desperately want to feel both capable and worthy of positive change, and I’m here to tell you: YOU ARE.

You have a story, and I want to understand it. If you’re seeking a confidant who offers you a safe space to be vulnerable without judgement, and an empowerment coach to work alongside you in a client-focused, collaborative journey, I think we should meet.

Resistance to change can run deep, and default thoughts lead to default habits. Imagine changing your inner-dialogue from that of fear, grief, anxiety and doubt, to that of hope, optimism, abundance and self-love. Imagine ditching frustration, blame, and despair for contentment and true inner-peace. Who would you be?

Let’s work together to challenge and ditch old habits, negative looping thoughts, and self-sabotaging behaviors. Let’s work together to increase your confidence, your self-perception, and your motivation. Let’s work together to silence the inner critic’s lies that keep you engaged in the unhealthy patterns and cycles, keeping you small, stuck, and the same. Are you finally ready?

Are you ready to uncover and unlearn in order to become unstuck? Check out my 12-Week Breakthrough HypnoCoaching Experience here.

Amy helped me rediscover the positive me that was hidden in the chaos of a busy life. She helps people like me heal through rediscovering our amazing inner selves. She has a unique gift. Thank you, Amy.
— Client Maria M.
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What We Can Conquer

If you feel afflicted by any of the feelings listed below, I see you. You’re likely experiencing a mental or emotional block that’s keeping you stuck in areas in your personal or professional life. Together we can identify and remove those blocks, for good.

Free Resources

Looking for FREE resources to get a jumpstart towards greater self-discovery? Choose which resource best fits your current needs and get started today!

Access your FREE 7-Day Confidence Boost Workbook, 14 Days of Self-Love Letters Journal, and 7-Day Inner Child Journal here:

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