Amy Ramsey Amy Ramsey

Stepping Out: Unlearning Agreements You’ve Made With Yourself

Often these self-imposed agreements, rules, and parameters we’ve set up for ourselves are merely based on perceptions and assumptions, and often driven by fear-based thinking. At some point these were learned thoughts, based on experience, which means you can unlearn them, too.

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Amy Ramsey Amy Ramsey

Fear: Taking Back Control

This is what fear looks like. I realized I could train as hard as I wanted to physically, but if I kept lining up on event days with self-doubt and fear as my inner coach, all that time spent in the lake and the pool meant nothing if my mindset was weak.

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Amy Ramsey Amy Ramsey

Optimist or Pessimist? Which One Are You, Really?

It’s no secret that our outlook shapes the way we experience the world. The optimist, ever hopeful and resilient, finds silver linings even in challenges. On the flip side, the pessimist, cautious and wary, might anticipate the storm brewing even if it’s sunny. Which mindset rules your perceptions?

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Amy Ramsey Amy Ramsey

It’s a Balancing Act

Cautious daring is not about seeking reckless risks. It’s about pursuing calculated opportunities with an open mind and heart, and a whole lot of belief in yourself.

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Amy Ramsey Amy Ramsey

Inner Freedom Through Forgiveness

Forgiveness empowers us by shifting the focus from the wrongdoer to our own healing and growth. It is a declaration of our strength and resilience. By taking charge of our emotional state, we regain control over our lives and refuse to let past hurts define us.

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Amy Ramsey Amy Ramsey

The Link Between Social Anxiety and Self-Sabotage

Even though I was no longer around the people, places, or situations that made me feel judged, embarrassed, fearful, and unworthy, those beliefs and agreements I made with myself long ago would still remain in my subconscious mind, impacting the way I perceive myself and social situations even into adulthood.

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