Welcome to the 12-Week Breakthrough HypnoCoaching Experience

What you’ll receive:

  • Three collaborative & personalized 2-hour transformational hypnotherapy sessions

    (in-person or remote)

  • Three solution-focused coaching support calls via zoom

  • Three custom audio recordings for reframing unhelpful beliefs into upgraded thought patterns

  • 3 months of email/text coaching support, with weekly check-ins, and self-guided exercises customized for your unique goals

Basically, I get to be your biggest cheerleader as your personal confidant and empowerment coach…alongside of you every step of the way!

This integrative method allows you to uncover, understand, and unlearn negative thought and behavior patterns, where you’ll develop healthier habits, discover ways to better manage self-doubt and overwhelm, and get back to believing that positive change is well within your reach. I supply the ongoing support, motivation, and practical strategies, and YOU create the change.

During our collaborative HypnoCoaching session, we’ll get to the root cause of your issue, uncovering the limiting belief or interpretation that was attached to specific life events. We’ll then update that core belief to one that is both empowering and transformative for you, finally creating lasting change.

Next, I’ll create a tailored-to-you coaching program rooted in the principles of Positive Psychology and NLP, where we’ll amplify your strengths, shifting your focus, and supporting a mindset shift creates the change you’re seeking.

And don’t miss this: We’ll pair these tools with a powerful, personalized recording to aid in rewiring your subconscious mind (using your own words) for effective long-term change. Moving forward requires a love and belief in yourself that maybe you haven’t experienced in quite some time.

Let’s rediscover it together.

I felt an immediate, profound, and instantaneous change after the session with Amy, finally understanding the root cause of why I was procrastinating. This led to more compassion for myself, where I would otherwise be self-critical. I am already seeing the difference between how ‘the old me’ vs ‘the new me’ handles situations, and taking steps to move different areas of my life forward.
— Devan H.
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How Does It Work?




Access the subconscious mind through collaborative hypnosis and identify and target the root cause of your limiting beliefs.  



Extract and examine beliefs and agreements that are no longer relevant or serving you. Now extend yourself some grace. This is a crucial step in self-acceptance and forgiveness.



Using your own words, replace these unhelpful, outdated beliefs with empowering and life-changing suggestions that aid in your transformation.


Get Unstuck.

Reinforce the updated, powerful suggestions with a custom self-hypnosis recording made just for you to use after the session, paired with tailored coaching.

For more information on Hypnotherapy & Coaching packages and pricing, head over to the FAQs & Pricing page.